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Fall Baseball Instructional League
Why does your son play baseball? Is it to stand around in the outfield all game? Strike out every single at-bat? Hit every batter they face when they pitch? Of course not! Kids play baseball because they watch their favorite players on TV hit home runs and strike everyone out, and want to be just like them. Naturally, parents want to help their children grow their love for the game and enroll them in their local Little League in hopes of developing their baseball knowledge and skillset. Unfortunately, due to lack of knowledgeable coaches and Little League politics, many young players fail to learn even the most basic of baseball skills, which discourages them from further pursuing the sport since baseball is an incredibly frustrating sport. This fall, we will be offering an alternative.
Starting in September, we will be hosting our own baseball instructional league designed to emphasize player development. Unlike traditional town recreation and travel teams, players enrolled in our league will get the opportunity to play every position they are interested in, especially those who want to try out pitching. In addition to weekend games, there will be two practices during the week, where we will develop essential baseball skills (hitting, catching, fielding, and throwing), work on situational/positional awareness, and grow each player's overall baseball knowledge.
This league is designed for players between the ages of 6 and 12, with there being two separate divisions. Ages 6-8 will participate in a junior division that utilizes a "4v4" format (4 kids per team), eliminates every position except the infield positions, and uses a mechanical pitching machine to simulate the overhand throwing motion. We have been running these games every Sunday and they have been a great way to develop hand-eye coordination, knowledge of the strike zone, and prepare players for kid-pitch. Since there are only 4 players per team, the kids always remain engaged during the game (as opposed to picking daisies in the outfield) and receive between 10-15 at-bats per game. As stated before, this league emphasizes player development and the "4v4" format has been a phenomenal way to ensure an abundance of repetition. Ages 9-12 will participate in the traditional baseball game format with kids pitching. To reiterate, each player will get the opportunity to try out different positions they are interested in playing and teams will be formatted so that pitchers will be able to pitch at every game.
Now, we do recognize that every kid is different and will be at different points of the baseball development spectrum. Unless we have worked with your son before, we will have no idea what your son's skill level is and if he would benefit more from playing in the junior or senior division. If you believe your son is advanced or behind for his age and would benefit from playing in the differently aged division, please reach out to us using the button below to discuss.
Fall Baseball League Information:
Deadline to Register: August 25th
Date(s): September 4th - November 12th (10 weeks)
Location: All practices and games will take place at Van Saun Park in Paramus, NJ
Scheduling: There will be 2 two-hour practices and 1 two-hour game per week. Once the number of participants have been finalized, teams will be created, and practices/game schedules will be sent out. Most practices will start at 4:00 or 5:00 Monday-Friday with some Saturday practices being a possibility as well. Games will take place on Saturday or Sunday
Cost: $300 *
*Please note, we aim to make our programs as affordable as possible for families. Fortunately, we have sponsors to cover the cost of uniforms. However, to avoid hiring outside coaches to assist with practices, it is expected that parents volunteer to assist Coach James at 2 practices (1 parent per practice) during the 10-week season. Sign-up sheets will be sent out to parents once teams are finalized. With your help, families save $200 on the program's cost
Fall Anchor
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